Khamis, 23 Jun 2011

oPen A nEw Chapter iN LIFE! :)

^_^ the new person is coming to this new blog to vent out her heart and share the bittersweet life..for the first time rasa mcm xmw plak ada blog coz rsanya its just the same thing with fb,twitter n etc.but after try2 buat blog its better than fb kot..hehehoo...mayb coz aq suka mengaC santik2 nie benda kali..ahah..but for sure i'll continue to poured out ol my ketidakpuasan hatie or mayb kebahagiaan hatie d sini..hehe..:D but for this time cukup sampai d sini jak coz uda t'lalu lama aq mengghabiskn masa dan tenaga juz 4 edit mgedit this blog!..huh!..xpa jugalaa sbb puas hatie dgn apa yg aq suda buat..on this day tiada juga story yg menyebalkan n menggmbirakn aty aq so juz wait n see jak la what will happen to my life xlama lg coz i will shre the story thats all 4 2day...

2 ulasan:

  1. berjangkit mcm dari ak ka???hahahaha...ada suda jua kawan ku ber blog ne..heheheh

  2. hahahaahah..dari sepa lg kan amm..huhu..testing2 bhaa..sbb ada urg ckp best knun..qiqiqi
